He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Chapter 18 - shocked.X|


No one came to open the door.


The door opened.
A lady bowed to me and said :"Annyong-haseyo. May i know who are you looking for?"
Yunnie :"Uhh..Annyong~ I'm looking for Mr. Tony, is he around??"
Lady :"Oh..He's upstairs in his room. You can go up to find him."
Yunnie :"Er..I don't really know the way up."
Lady :"Ohh..You just walk to the end and walk up the stairs, turn right den left and then walked straight until you see a big picture hanging on the wall then you turn right. Continue the walk straight and then turn left. "
"Huh?? it was really confusing, I can't remember the way at all.", thought Yunnie.
Yunnie :"Arh?...Araso."(I got it.)
Lady :"Okay then up you go!"
Yunnie :"Sure..hahh..." Yunnie's laugher faded away..

Yunnie walked up the stairs and turned........
(What kind of house is this?? Super confusing, I wouldn't want to stay here.),thought Yunnie.
She kept walking and walking. She walked and walked until she reached a door.
"Ehh??This is it!! Phew~I've found it!!"
On the door, there was a name hung there written 'Tony'.
This was it!!
She knocked the door.No one came to open it or answer back at her.
She stood outside the door meddling with her things.
Sfter a while, she knock again. but no one came to open.
She tried to open the door.
"Ehii, it wasn't lock!aha.."
Yunnie opened and walked in.
She saw Tony but he didn't turn to look at her.

He just sat with his eyes closed."Don't come to bother me, i don't want to eat!!" Tony shouted.
".......?" I walked towards him.
He opened his eyes, and when he saw me he was shocked.
I walked nearer and nearer and was just next to him.
Yunnie :"Tony, biyaneh.."
I said it without looking into his eyes.
I was so afraid.
He stared at me.


Tony kissed me on my lips.
I hadn't had time to move.
I stood still without moving.
I was startled.
I was numb.
I was shocked.
I was....
I can feel the feeling all over me.
Is this love?!?!
Even though i was so afraid but i prayed for him not to let go of me...
I was the luckiest girl now...
Blood rushed to my face and my lips where his lips touched mine.

Our lips parted.
I immediately looked down and was aware that my face was turning red.
I can feel the heat on my ears.
"I forgive you.", Tony said.
He looked into my eyes and said :"Chincah."(it means really in korean)

-End of Chapter 18 -


Blogger Superheroine said...

tony kissed yunnie..
I was like....
oh my god..oh MY GOD..OH MY GOD!!...-_-!!!xD
haha..quite surprised..hehe..
tony is cool in the picture with jackets on..
anyway, i love the first song the most..:D

March 6, 2009 at 9:40 PM  
Blogger Jaeyin★ said...

haha..I was also shocked.LOL

March 6, 2009 at 10:50 PM  

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