He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chapter 12 - I'M READY!!!!=)

"I'm READY!!", Yunnie said it with her mouth full.

Soongmin : "Ehh..It's rude to talk when you're eating."
Yunnie :"Ohh..okay..sorry.."
Yunnie quickly swallowed her food.
Yunnie :"I'M READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Soongmin :"Woahh..Somebody is ready! and is so excited for tomorrow."
Yunnie :"Yay!!Thanks for staying back with me everyday at the library to collect information."
Soongmin :"Aishh..That's nothing, kwenchan-sumneeda!!"*(nevermind)
Yunnie :"I must repay you! I'll treat you food on saturday okay??"
Soongmin :"Okay!That's what you said, so do not forget!!SEO YUNNIE!!"
Yunnie :"Of course, haaha."=)
Soongmin :"I got Tae Kwan Do later."
Yunnie :"Oh yar..I have to go to the music studio for meeting later too.see yar!"
Soongmin :"See you~"

I walked to the music studio confidently with high spirit. I couldn't stop thinking of the interview tomorrow.I really hope i can get into the exchange programme. Woo~ I skipped to the door of the music studio. When i was going to open the door..

I turned my head to see who is shouting so rudely at me.
("Ehh..It was that Tony?")
Tony :"Yarr...do you still remember me?"
Yunnie :"OOo..yeshh..of course..."
Tony :"Let's go in!"
Tony then pushed Yunnie into the music studio.

Everyone greeted Tony when we walked in.
(Why??Who is he??)
Tony brought me to a corner and asked me sit down, He too sat down there with me.
"Hello, nice to meet you again." Tony put out his hand to shake mine.
"Heheh..me too." I shook his hands.
Tony started laughing.
"Erm..Do you always laugh like that??"
"Hahahahh..no.But when i see you, there's a funny feeling that make me laugh.Hahahh.."
He touched my hair.

"Ohh..What are we going to do today?" I quickly stood up and went to find the pretty sunbae.
Tony :"Ehh..."

Yunnie :"Sunbae, may i know what's your name?"
"Annyong~My name is Jang Cyun Hui, nice to meet you!"
"my name is...."
"Seo Yunnie....hahahahh.." said Tony.
I turned and saw Tony just beside me. I quickly said it again."Seo Yunnie, sunbae."
"Hahahahh.."Tony laughed and walked away.
I was so embarassed at that moment.
Cyun Hui, sunbae smiled and said : "I'll teach you how to play the piano."
"Huhu!! Thank you, sunbae!! I'll learn it wholeheartedly!!"

2 hours passed quickly..
and it was time to go home.

I thanked Cyun hui sunbae for teaching me and went to take my things.
I saw that Tony sunbae was hugging my bag-pack and he was sleeping!!
("What is he doing?!?! How can i take my bag like that??, Aishh..")
I tried to pull my bag gently and trying not to wake him up but he was hugging it too tightly.

Suddenly someone hit Tony's butt.:"Yarr!! Wake up and stop hugging other people's bag!" ("Arhh..??") I saw that it was Kim Jung what who hit him. Tony quickly woke up and started laughing :"Hahahahh..Nahh, here's your bag. Jung~ah don't hit me like that!"
Kim Jung What?* said :"Stop bullying her, she's new here."
Tony :"Isn't she cute?Hahahhh..and funny too~hahahh.."
I quickly thank Kim Jung What?*, took my bag and ran out quickly.
(Why is Tony so weird??Hmm..)

I went home.
I text Nobody and chat with him for the whole night.
He's quite a nice guy but i don't know how he look like.
I was starting to feel scared for tomorrow's interview.
I received a message from Soongmin saying>>Yo, Yunnie!! u're starting to feel scared already
right?Haha..Don't worry, girl. You CAN DO IT!!
I believe Seo Yunnie can!! God bless! sleep well =)

With the message Soongmin sent me, most of my fear has already fade away.
(Thanks Soongmin!) i shouted that in my heart.

I quickly went to bed.


I woke up earlier than before today and quickly got ready to go to school.

My interview time was at 1 sharp.
I went to the school hall at about 12:45 to get myself ready for the interview.
Before that Soongmin said he has something to show me to help me take away my fear and he asked me to closed my eyes. and when i closed my eyes, he kissed me on my cheeks! I was so shocked for what he did!! He held my hands tightly and said :"Seo Yunnie, GO!! and put your best foot forward!!" He smiled sweetly at me, i smiled back shyly.

I was waiting for my turn to come. My watch ticked very slowly. I was super nervous and anxious!! I could feel butterflies in my stomach and i was trembling with fear.

"SEO YUNNIE, please come in."
"Huh??It's my turn!! so fast?", i walked in quickly.

"Hello, please sit down."
They started asking me questions and i answered them all.
"Thank you for coming."
Yunnie:"Thank you....ehh?..welcome..hehehh.."

(Huu~Thank god whatever they asked me , i think i know all)=) but i haven't stop trembling.
Soongmin had already gone home by now. ("Huh??I've been inside for an hour??So long??")
I quickly text Soongmin and told him that the interview was quite a success.^^
I walked happily back to class to clear and take my things. All my things and books have already been packed into my bag. I took my bag-pack and left the class.

When i was walking back i walked passed the music studio and i heard music coming out from inside. I opened the door and peep into it.

Inside the music studio

I saw Kim Jung What?* there. He was playing the piano inside. I stepped in and took a sit in a corner in darkness. The song he played was nice but the feeling it gave me was like sadness, sadness and sadness!! (I don't know why he is so stressed up?? Why??)

Suddenly he looked up at me in the corner and said :"Did you buy a concert ticket??"
Yunnie :"Opp..No.."
Kim Jung What: "Hahaha..come here."
I walked nearer and nearer over to him. He said :"Come, I won't eat you."
Yunnie :"Hahah..okay."
Kim Jung what : "Sit beside me."
He suddenly put his head my my shoulders.
Yunnie :"Arh..??!?!?!"
"I'm so stressed up..."
I was shocked that Kim jung what who is always calm and cool in school would tell me this..
and i also don't even know him well.
"I really cannot stand it anymore!! Why must everybody be like that to me"
His tears flowed out.
I saw it and was really felt sad for him eventhough we were not that close.
I took out my hello kitty hanky and gave it to him to clean his tears.
I didn't say anything, i just sat there quietly like a statue. I really didn't know what to say.
He really cried, I hardly see boys cry. They will cry only during very tough or difficult or sad times, when they really really couldn't stand it. After about an hour, He sat up and said :"Yunnie right? thanks for your shoulder." I was almost going to fall asleep.
"Arrhh..welcome, chon-maneyo!"*(Don't mention it)

Yunnie :"Kim Jung what?*, you can do it!! Don't worry!!"
Kim Jun What?* : "Arhh..KIM JUNG WHAT???"
Yunnie :"hehehh.. I don't know your full name, sorry."
Kim Jun What?* :"Hahahahahaha..No wonder, Tony said that you're cute."
Yunnie :"arh..Don't believe him.It's not true."
Kim Jun What?* :"My name is Kim Jung Wun. Thank you, Seo Yunnie"

I really can't believe i, Seo Yunnie is now sitting beside the super handsome guy, Kim Jung Wun!

Kim Jun Wun:"Ohh..i received the present you gave me.I liked it a lot."^^
Yunnie : "Oh..heheh.."
Kim Jun Wun :"Thanks for listenning to my problems. Have you eaten? "
Yunnie :"No, not yet."
Kim Jun Wun :"Then let's go now, it's my treat!!"
Yunnie : "arr.h..??"

We went to a Porridge shop to eat. We took a bus there. Kim Jun Wun saw the sad-face button badge and asked me where did i get that and asked me why is it a sad face and not a happy face. It was weird of him to ask that but i told him that it wasn't mine. I kept it for someone until i meet him, i'll return it to him. He smiled when i talked to him. He kept asking me to eat more. I ate 3 bowls of porridge. Kim Jun Wun was shocked and said i have a good appetite.

After eating, we walked to bus-stop.We walked past an ice-cream stall by the roadside.
Yunnie :"Kim Jun Wun! You wana have an ice-cream??"
Kim Jun Wun :"Okay, sure!"
Yunnie :"I'll treat you! I want WASABI ice-cream, tat's my favourite!!"
Kim Jun Wun :"Ohh..you got a special taste. I have a friend who also likes WASABI ice-cream."
Yunnie :"Ohh..really? Not many people like Wasabi ice-cream.hehehh.."

They got on the bus and went back home....
Yunnie's mood was [100%] that day.

-End of chapter 12-


Blogger Superheroine said...

I simply loves the story =P

February 27, 2009 at 11:38 AM  
Blogger Jaeyin★ said...

hehe..thanks a lot!!:D

February 28, 2009 at 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi girl, pat here.
reading ur story
cool... not bad
keep it up!!!
love ya

February 28, 2009 at 12:20 PM  
Blogger Jaeyin★ said...


March 1, 2009 at 9:18 PM  

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