He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chapter 9 - Good bye Taehyeon!!:(

9th of Feb 22:02

Everything today was like normal. Taehyeon was busy preparing all the documents she needed to leave school. All of us were like so sad.*(Soongmin and i) It was like end of the world!! AHHHHH!!We went home as usual but today was a bit different. I walked passed the science lab and saw that someone was in there. I was curious and tip-toed nearer to see who was that person leaning on the science lab table. Ehhh...with a nearer look, i saw that it was that KIM JUNG WHAT?* What is he doing there?? I looked from the door quietly without making a single noise. I looked at him. He seems to be very stressed up and having a lot of problems. While I was peeping quietly from the door my shitty-weird phone suddenly RANG!!! "RINGG!! RING!!"
IT RANG AT THE WRONG TIME!!! WRONG TIME!!!!!!! I quickly ran away,i hope KIM JUNG WHAT?* didn't see my face.Hoo..It was so ***** . I really can feel his loneliness and sadness on KIM JUNG WHAT?*'s face. His face really makes me feel like wanting to know him more and more, and talk to him.

I drew Kim Jung What?*. I love drawing<3

Nobody called Yunnie*(Wasabi) again. Yunnie*(Wasabi) told that nobody that she thinks that she is falling in love with someone. (But she didn't tell him the details) Nobody also told *(Wasabi) that he is feeling extremely down today. He told Yunnie*(Wasabi) that he felt like resting and not doing anything. He is tired of everything.

Wasabi :"Nobody don't work too hard! you must also rest sometimes. Don't worry so much!:)" Nobody :"Thank you, Wasabi. I'm feeling better."
Wasabi :"Haha..I'll treat you wasabi ice-cream next time!hahahaa..."
Nobody :"Okay..Thanks Wasabi!! Don't forget!"
Wasabi :"Good night! I'm tired already."
Nobody :"Rest well!!Good night!"


Taehyeon will be leaving on the day before Valentine's day.
Yunnie :"Taehyeon, Taehyeon please don't go."
Yunnie tugged at Taehyeon's t-shirt. :"Please....."
Soongmin :"Yarr..Yunnie, don't make it difficult for Taehyeon."
Soongmin looked at Yunnie and then at Taehyeon sadly. He sighed."Haiix..."
Yunnie pouted.
Taehyeon hugged them and said :"Don't be sad my dear chinggu*(friends) I really can't bear to leave you all but..." Tears flowed down like a river...

Everyone bid Taehyeon goodbye.
Yunnie :"YARRR!!!! LIVE WELL!! EAT WELL!! SLEEP WELL!!!!!!!"
Soongmin and Yunnie :"We LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!"
Everyone was so extremely down, gloomy and moody that day when Taehyeon left.
Yunnie :"Soongmin, I'm really sad."
Soongmin :"Me too.Why must she leave us??"
He put his hands over Yunnie's shoulders.
Soongmin :"Let's go!"

-End of Chapter 9-


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