He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chapter 7 - super-power eyes^^

Yunnie : Hi, everybody!!

Everyone in the music studio starred at me like i was an alien, they maybe thinking that i've come to the wrong planet. I smiled and bowed to them but no one bothered and just continued starring at me*the alien* and then they continued talking and doing what they were doing just now.. This is the first time i attended the music club's meeting . Taehyeon joined choir and Soong min joined Tae Kwan Do! He said he wanted to protect girls like us.><|||

All the people who were in music club looks so unfriendly and cold. Suddenly there was loud clap, everyone turned towards the sound. "Wahh...thank God they had changed a target to look at!:)" I suddenly realised that there was complete silent. So i also quickly looked up towards the person who clapped loudly just now.

It's him again???? He saw me in the crowd and smiled to me. Is it a dream??? I quickly rubbed my eyes and looked up again. It was really that HERO who saved me. He started talking.
"Hello, everybody. I'm Kim Jung.......the president of.....I'm happy to know that our music club has a new member this year." "Only one??" Everyone started murmuring and chattering. They turned and looked around. When they saw me they laughed and turned away. Do i looked stupid or what?? Is it my hair that is messy or my face is dirty?? What's wrong with them?? Suddenly there was a voice saying :"Clap your hands to welcome that new member. Please come here and introduce yourself to us." The Kim Jung WHAT?*(I didn't really heard his name properly.) looked at me and nodded."SHIT!!! Am i the only new member?!?!OH no!!" Everyone started to clap so i quickly walked to the front without delaying everybody's time. I was so nervous and it was so sudden, i really felt that there were butterflies in my stomach.

"Erm..." Everyone starred at me. "Erm....I.....m...." I looked at Kim Jun What?* He gave me a look that i cannot forget. That look helped me to regain my confidence and gave me courage to speak. That was really a powerful look!! I swallowed my saliva."GULP." "Erm..Hello everybody! I'm Seo Yunnie from class-2B. I'm happy to join this music club. Please guide me in many ways." I gave a big wide smile and bowed. That Kim Jung WHAT?* came and stood beside me. He reached out his hand to shake my hand. He said :"Of course, we'll guide you in what you don't know." He smiled and 'WE' SHOOK HANDS!! Blood rushed to my brain! I almost faint but fortunately i didn't if not it will be so so awkward in front of so many people. Our music club members started to play some music to welcome me with all kinds of instruments like guitar, piano, drum, flute..."Nice music!!"I started clapping. Everyone starred at me again, I think maybe the people in music club like to stare at people. The music continued. I went to a corner of the music studio to sit down. "Ehh..What is your name??" Someone pushed me on my shoulder from the back. I turned and said : "Yunnie, didn't you hear me introducing myself just now?" "Ohh..Yunnie?? I was sleeping." "HUH?!?! sleeping??here??" "yea.." That person smiled to me. He started to introduce himself, "Ohk..my name is Tony, class-2A, loves sleeping and swimming, love wearing jeans and tee, single.." (Why is this person telling me everything about him?) "Huh?" "It's your turn!hahah.." "Oh.Im in class-2B.You're in the same class as that president?" "Yepp.hah.." "Oh..I love drawing and single too." "Hahahahh.." "What are you laughing at?!?!><" "Hahahh..Okay." Tony stood up and took his bottle and said see you!! and hit my shoulders and walked out of the studio, he looked tough with all that muscles. I felt a tap on my shoulder."What instrument do you play?" I turned my head and saw a pretty senior*(sunbae) "Ahhh..."(Actually i don't play any instruments and i only love listening to people play.) "Ermm...actually I don't play any." The senior's face turned like tat ><|||, and said "It's okay.You can learn right?" "Erm..Yepp!! sunbae:)" "Don't worry, I'll teach you." "Kamsahamneeda!!SUNBAE!!"

I went back after everything finished. I helped to do some clearing after the small party for the first meeting. After finished writing my diary , i tried calling Taehyeon but her phone was engaged. Suddenly I remembered that that Kim Jung What?* shook my hand just now and did not want to wash my right-hand forever(joking), and his super powerful eyes , i fell in loved with his eyes!<3 "Ahh.."I yawned and tears flowed out of my tired eyes. I quickly climbed onto my bed and cuddled in my warm blanket. The feeling was so nice and comfortable. In a minute's time, i was already in my dream world, dreaming about that HERO??.haha.Hope so.

-End of Chapter 7-


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