He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Chapter 17 - The misunderstanding.

The next day, Yunnie went to school as usual.

After school, while Yunnie was going home.
Jung Wun (the handsome hunk) walked passed Yunnie.
Yunnie looked at him and smiled. She glance and saw the sad-face button badge on Jung Wun's bag!!!!
"The SAD-FACE BUTTON BADGE?!?!?!?!?!?!? why is it with Jung Wun? He has got the same one as the Mysterious man??huh??", thought Yunnie.

"Hey Jung Wun......."
Jung Wun looked at Yunnie : "Arh??yes??" He smiled at Yunnie.

"Ermm..How did you get that??" she pointed at the sad-face button-badge.
"Ohh...You gave it to me, isn't it??"
"I'm the person you dislike."
"Huh??? I'm really confused now..."
"I'm the person you met many times outside."
"REALLY??" Yunnie said it in a very shaky voice.
"I'm that person."
"The mysterious -rude man??????"
"Huh?? I think so. This is my button-badge. Come with me."
Jung Wun pulled Yunnie by her hand and went to the school staircase.
He sat down on the steps.
Yunnie sat sown too.

Both of them didn't say anything.
It was very quiet then.
"Arh..the...." "Thanks..."
They both said at the same time.
Jung Wun :"You can say it first."
Yunnie :"Erm..okay.." looking down at her dirty shoes.
Yunnie :"Jung Wun, why is your button-badge a sad face?and it is wearing a sunglasses?"
Jung Wun :"Erm...Thanks for returning it to me. Uh..It is because that if im wearing a sunglasses nobody will know that i am sad. I don't want the people around me to see me sad."
Yunnie :"Why are you sad??Wanna share it with me? I can be a good listener too!"
She smiled sweetly to Jung Wun.
Jung Wun suddenly used his fingers to touch Yunnie's mouth.
"uhh..What are you doing??" Yunnie tried to push Jung Wun's hand away.
Jung Wun :"Let me help you clean off this dirt on your mouth."
Yunnie stared into Jung Wun's face wondering what he wanted to do.
Jung Wun :"Haha..What did you eat this morning?"
Yunnie :"Er...m...Bread with egg."
Jung Wun :"Oh...haha.."
Yunnie :"Do you wan to share your worries with me?"
Jung Wun :"Yea...I am......"
While Yunnie was listenning to what Jung Wun was saying. She put her hand over Jung Wun's shoulders.
Yunnie :"My shoulders are broad enough for you!^^haha.."
Jung Wun :"Do you mind if...."
Jung wun lie his head on Yunnie's *broad* shoulders.

A sound of a thing has dropped from the upstairs floor and there were footsteps running away quickly that can be heard.
Yunnie with Jung Wun on her shoulders looked up.
Jung Wun :"Thanks for your *broad* shoulders!"
Yunnie :"Haha...Chon-maneyo!"(it means don't mention it in korean)
They walked up and opened the door.

When the door opened, Tony was outside the door.
Tony stared at Yunnie and Jung Wun.
Tony :"How could you two!!!! Ohh..What they said was right? I still believed in you..?!?! "
Tony :"Herh.."
He walked away angrily..
Yunnie shouted :"Tony!! Tony!! It's not like what you have seen."
Tony didn't bother to even look at Yunnie and walked away just like that.
Yunnie :"Aish...Oh no...."
Jung Wun :"Sorry..I didn't know that.."
Yunnie :"It's okay...It's not your fault.Aish.."
Yunnie quickly left and went to eat a wasabi ice-cream.
Then she went home.
"Haizz...What should i do???"
She sat on her bed thinking...what she must do...

Tony? Jung Wun?? Haiz..They are best friends..
Aish!!!! She scrambled on to her bed and tried to sleep but she couldn't..
She saw the bear that Tony gave her.
"Hey bear bear, what should i do?? I am really confused!!"
The bear bear looked at Yunnie. Yunnie looked at the bear.
No reply.
Yunnie :"Haiz.."
She hugged the bear.
Yunnie :"Oh..I've got an idea!!"

-End of Chapter 17-


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