He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chapter 12 - I'M READY!!!!=)

"I'm READY!!", Yunnie said it with her mouth full.

Soongmin : "Ehh..It's rude to talk when you're eating."
Yunnie :"Ohh..okay..sorry.."
Yunnie quickly swallowed her food.
Yunnie :"I'M READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Soongmin :"Woahh..Somebody is ready! and is so excited for tomorrow."
Yunnie :"Yay!!Thanks for staying back with me everyday at the library to collect information."
Soongmin :"Aishh..That's nothing, kwenchan-sumneeda!!"*(nevermind)
Yunnie :"I must repay you! I'll treat you food on saturday okay??"
Soongmin :"Okay!That's what you said, so do not forget!!SEO YUNNIE!!"
Yunnie :"Of course, haaha."=)
Soongmin :"I got Tae Kwan Do later."
Yunnie :"Oh yar..I have to go to the music studio for meeting later too.see yar!"
Soongmin :"See you~"

I walked to the music studio confidently with high spirit. I couldn't stop thinking of the interview tomorrow.I really hope i can get into the exchange programme. Woo~ I skipped to the door of the music studio. When i was going to open the door..

I turned my head to see who is shouting so rudely at me.
("Ehh..It was that Tony?")
Tony :"Yarr...do you still remember me?"
Yunnie :"OOo..yeshh..of course..."
Tony :"Let's go in!"
Tony then pushed Yunnie into the music studio.

Everyone greeted Tony when we walked in.
(Why??Who is he??)
Tony brought me to a corner and asked me sit down, He too sat down there with me.
"Hello, nice to meet you again." Tony put out his hand to shake mine.
"Heheh..me too." I shook his hands.
Tony started laughing.
"Erm..Do you always laugh like that??"
"Hahahahh..no.But when i see you, there's a funny feeling that make me laugh.Hahahh.."
He touched my hair.

"Ohh..What are we going to do today?" I quickly stood up and went to find the pretty sunbae.
Tony :"Ehh..."

Yunnie :"Sunbae, may i know what's your name?"
"Annyong~My name is Jang Cyun Hui, nice to meet you!"
"my name is...."
"Seo Yunnie....hahahahh.." said Tony.
I turned and saw Tony just beside me. I quickly said it again."Seo Yunnie, sunbae."
"Hahahahh.."Tony laughed and walked away.
I was so embarassed at that moment.
Cyun Hui, sunbae smiled and said : "I'll teach you how to play the piano."
"Huhu!! Thank you, sunbae!! I'll learn it wholeheartedly!!"

2 hours passed quickly..
and it was time to go home.

I thanked Cyun hui sunbae for teaching me and went to take my things.
I saw that Tony sunbae was hugging my bag-pack and he was sleeping!!
("What is he doing?!?! How can i take my bag like that??, Aishh..")
I tried to pull my bag gently and trying not to wake him up but he was hugging it too tightly.

Suddenly someone hit Tony's butt.:"Yarr!! Wake up and stop hugging other people's bag!" ("Arhh..??") I saw that it was Kim Jung what who hit him. Tony quickly woke up and started laughing :"Hahahahh..Nahh, here's your bag. Jung~ah don't hit me like that!"
Kim Jung What?* said :"Stop bullying her, she's new here."
Tony :"Isn't she cute?Hahahhh..and funny too~hahahh.."
I quickly thank Kim Jung What?*, took my bag and ran out quickly.
(Why is Tony so weird??Hmm..)

I went home.
I text Nobody and chat with him for the whole night.
He's quite a nice guy but i don't know how he look like.
I was starting to feel scared for tomorrow's interview.
I received a message from Soongmin saying>>Yo, Yunnie!! u're starting to feel scared already
right?Haha..Don't worry, girl. You CAN DO IT!!
I believe Seo Yunnie can!! God bless! sleep well =)

With the message Soongmin sent me, most of my fear has already fade away.
(Thanks Soongmin!) i shouted that in my heart.

I quickly went to bed.


I woke up earlier than before today and quickly got ready to go to school.

My interview time was at 1 sharp.
I went to the school hall at about 12:45 to get myself ready for the interview.
Before that Soongmin said he has something to show me to help me take away my fear and he asked me to closed my eyes. and when i closed my eyes, he kissed me on my cheeks! I was so shocked for what he did!! He held my hands tightly and said :"Seo Yunnie, GO!! and put your best foot forward!!" He smiled sweetly at me, i smiled back shyly.

I was waiting for my turn to come. My watch ticked very slowly. I was super nervous and anxious!! I could feel butterflies in my stomach and i was trembling with fear.

"SEO YUNNIE, please come in."
"Huh??It's my turn!! so fast?", i walked in quickly.

"Hello, please sit down."
They started asking me questions and i answered them all.
"Thank you for coming."
Yunnie:"Thank you....ehh?..welcome..hehehh.."

(Huu~Thank god whatever they asked me , i think i know all)=) but i haven't stop trembling.
Soongmin had already gone home by now. ("Huh??I've been inside for an hour??So long??")
I quickly text Soongmin and told him that the interview was quite a success.^^
I walked happily back to class to clear and take my things. All my things and books have already been packed into my bag. I took my bag-pack and left the class.

When i was walking back i walked passed the music studio and i heard music coming out from inside. I opened the door and peep into it.

Inside the music studio

I saw Kim Jung What?* there. He was playing the piano inside. I stepped in and took a sit in a corner in darkness. The song he played was nice but the feeling it gave me was like sadness, sadness and sadness!! (I don't know why he is so stressed up?? Why??)

Suddenly he looked up at me in the corner and said :"Did you buy a concert ticket??"
Yunnie :"Opp..No.."
Kim Jung What: "Hahaha..come here."
I walked nearer and nearer over to him. He said :"Come, I won't eat you."
Yunnie :"Hahah..okay."
Kim Jung what : "Sit beside me."
He suddenly put his head my my shoulders.
Yunnie :"Arh..??!?!?!"
"I'm so stressed up..."
I was shocked that Kim jung what who is always calm and cool in school would tell me this..
and i also don't even know him well.
"I really cannot stand it anymore!! Why must everybody be like that to me"
His tears flowed out.
I saw it and was really felt sad for him eventhough we were not that close.
I took out my hello kitty hanky and gave it to him to clean his tears.
I didn't say anything, i just sat there quietly like a statue. I really didn't know what to say.
He really cried, I hardly see boys cry. They will cry only during very tough or difficult or sad times, when they really really couldn't stand it. After about an hour, He sat up and said :"Yunnie right? thanks for your shoulder." I was almost going to fall asleep.
"Arrhh..welcome, chon-maneyo!"*(Don't mention it)

Yunnie :"Kim Jung what?*, you can do it!! Don't worry!!"
Kim Jun What?* : "Arhh..KIM JUNG WHAT???"
Yunnie :"hehehh.. I don't know your full name, sorry."
Kim Jun What?* :"Hahahahahaha..No wonder, Tony said that you're cute."
Yunnie :"arh..Don't believe him.It's not true."
Kim Jun What?* :"My name is Kim Jung Wun. Thank you, Seo Yunnie"

I really can't believe i, Seo Yunnie is now sitting beside the super handsome guy, Kim Jung Wun!

Kim Jun Wun:"Ohh..i received the present you gave me.I liked it a lot."^^
Yunnie : "Oh..heheh.."
Kim Jun Wun :"Thanks for listenning to my problems. Have you eaten? "
Yunnie :"No, not yet."
Kim Jun Wun :"Then let's go now, it's my treat!!"
Yunnie : "arr.h..??"

We went to a Porridge shop to eat. We took a bus there. Kim Jun Wun saw the sad-face button badge and asked me where did i get that and asked me why is it a sad face and not a happy face. It was weird of him to ask that but i told him that it wasn't mine. I kept it for someone until i meet him, i'll return it to him. He smiled when i talked to him. He kept asking me to eat more. I ate 3 bowls of porridge. Kim Jun Wun was shocked and said i have a good appetite.

After eating, we walked to bus-stop.We walked past an ice-cream stall by the roadside.
Yunnie :"Kim Jun Wun! You wana have an ice-cream??"
Kim Jun Wun :"Okay, sure!"
Yunnie :"I'll treat you! I want WASABI ice-cream, tat's my favourite!!"
Kim Jun Wun :"Ohh..you got a special taste. I have a friend who also likes WASABI ice-cream."
Yunnie :"Ohh..really? Not many people like Wasabi ice-cream.hehehh.."

They got on the bus and went back home....
Yunnie's mood was [100%] that day.

-End of chapter 12-

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chapter 11 - My chance to do it!!


Soongmin :"Yarr..I heard Susan said that the school will only take two students from the whole
2nd year batch students to go for that programme."
Yunnie :"I had been wanting to go for that programme. But i'll surely not get in."
Soongmin :"Yarr..Yunnie!! You can DO IT!!!!"

Soongmin pulled Yunnie out to the school's balcony.
Yunnie :"Hey what are you doing??"
Soongmin :"Shout you can do it!! LOUDLY!"
Yunnie :"You can do it...."
Soongmin :"LOUDER!!! and say I can do it!!! not you can do it!!"
Yunnie :"I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hoo.."
I hugged Soongmin tightly and ran away.
Soongmin :"Ar..?"

Soongmin came after me.
Yunnie :"Thank you Park Soongmin!! Komawayo..*thank you in korean*"
Soongmin :"Heheh.." and then touched my hair.
Yunnie :"I really want to go for the exchage programme but..."
Soongmin :"No buts..I believe that Seo Yunnie can do it!"
Yunnie :"Komawayo..komawayo.." I hugged Soongmin again, Soongmin hugged back.
Yunnie :"I'll do my best!"
(I really didn't think that Soongmin has such strong faith in me.)

Suddenly i saw that handsome hunk walked pass the school's balcony and saw 'us' hugging. I quickly let go and told Soongmin I like him a lot as a friend and thank him for all his help. Soongmin just smiled and said welcome!welcome!

The interview for the exchange student programme was in a week's time.
I really will do my best!!because i've been waiting for this chance for a long time.
Soongmin will help me, so i don't need to worry so much. He really has been a very nice friend!
Now Taehyeon is not here to help me but i have Soongmin.

From : Seo Yunnie
To : Taehyeon
Subject : Annyong~

Settled down already?? I had already started to miss you.:(
Everything okay there??
On Valentine's day, i spent it with Soongmin alone. He's really a good guy. He also helped me a lot! What did you do on that day?? Recently there is an exchange student programme coming on, I wanted this chance for a long time already. But they said that only two students will be chosen from all the 2nd year batch students. I'm starting to prepare what i need to know and say during the interview. I'm very very scared but with Soongmin and your support i think it will be no problem! Pray for me too!
Thanks!!Keep in touch!
P/s, Taehyeon i miss you lots!!
This is me.Can u still remember my face??

my ugly but cute face!!

Call me if you can!!
Pls reply asap!!^^

I text Soongmin>>Thanks for everything! Hey i emailed Taehyeon about everything over here

Soongmin replied>> Really??woo~good! Nites!!:D

Dear diary,
I'm sooooooooooooooooo happy today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEE ~
I've got a chance to go for the exchange programme. I'm not going to let it just fly away like that!! Seo Yunnie you can do it!!!!!!! I'll work extraordinarily HARD!!!

when i was packing my bag i saw the sad-face button badge that was pinned onto my bag. It reminded me about that Mysterious-rude man. But i hadn't met him so i couldn't return it to him. But if i really sees him, I will.


-End of Chapter 11-

Chapter 10 -Valentine's day!!

Byebye, Taehyeon....

I told Nobody that my best friend had left me to go to U.S.A.
Nobody comforted me saying : "Friends will not accompany you for the rest of your life.Don't be
sad, you can still get in touch with her right?Wasabi?"

Yunnie : "Yeshh..But I'm still sad.:("
Nobody : " Nobody is still with you.Haha.."
Yunnie : "How can you still laugh now?"
Nobody : "Ohh..sorry.I was just wanting to make you laugh."
Yunnie : "It's not funny at all!"


Yunnie : "What?!?! He just hang the phone like that?"

1 message received.

Yunnie opened the message from Nobody.

I'm sorry.

She replied.

Me too.I shouldn't have shouted at u like that.
and thanks for lending me your ear.
Thank you Nobody.

Nobody>>Welcome!:) Are you spending your day tmr with your lover?

Yunnie>>Ohh yarr..I've a date with a friend.

Nobody>>Ohh..okay then goodnight!

Yunnie>>Annyong-ee choomuseyo!!


The next day was Valentine's day it was on a Friday.
Yunnie went to school joyfully.

I brought my drawing of Kim Jun what?* to school. I tied it nicely with red ribbon.
It was Valentine's day today!!
Everyone who went to school was carrying a present in their hands. Some also brought big teddy bears, fluffy and good to hug! "How nice! The person who received the teddy will be so happy! and I only brought this sheet of paper..Don't know whether he will like it a not.."
The teacher in charged of this Valentine's day activity was shouting in the school hall .
Everyone went in and left their presents there. On the present itself was only the name of the person who will receive it. I quickly left mine there writing Kim Jung What?* and his class and went back to class.

I went to my desk and sat down.
"I really hope i'll get one present today, I didn't get it during my first year."

Soongmin : "Harr???Seo Yunnie??? What did you just said??Haha..Don't worry you won't get
I hit Soongmin on the head and said : "You too won't get any!"
Soongmin kept on laughing and then continued on doing his work.

Yunnie : "Eh..Soongmin-ah.I miss Taehyeon."
Soongmin :"Ohh yarr..You still remember our promise?"
Yunnie : "Ohh..yar! Of course!..Which promise arh?"
Soongmin :"Ermm..HEY! we only promised each other ones! You really had forgotten?"
Yunnie : "Oh yar..that one.I remember!haha..That one!"
Soongmin :"Hey don't bluff, you've already forgotten."
Yunnie :"Yarr! don't think i don't know.I know okay..That one!"
Soongmin :"Which one?which one??"
Yunnie :"Er..that one..of course there is only one..hehehh.."
Soongmin :"Haiyo, then say it out!"
Yunnie :"Er...hehehehh..I don't know ler.."
Soongmin :"I knew that! okay..our promise is that on valentine's day we, three of us will
go out together on Valentine's day until each of us has found our own lover."
Yunnie :"Ohh yarr! I remember."
Soongmin :"Only when i said right?"
Soongmin pushed Yunnie's head.
Yunnie :"Yayayayayayarrr...Sorry..heehee..but Taehyeon won't be celebrating it with us."
Soongmin :"It's okay.There is still me and you.haha.."
Yunnie :"Huh?? Okay! Let's go out after school!!"^^
Soongmin :"Huhu!!Alright! where do you want to go afterwards??"
Yunnie :"........................."

14th of Feb 21:55
I got it!!!!!!!!! I got it!!!!the present and it was from Soongmin.woohoo~ Soongmin who laughed at me didn't get any. He was so sad today and i kept on teasing him. Now i feel like a bad guy. We went out today! He treated me WASABI ice-cream, ma favourite!! Thank you Soongmin for lovin me so much.Haha..:) and thanks for the pressie. If you didn't give me, i would have received none at all! I also don't even know whether Kim Jung What?* like that present i gave him a not..Hope he'll like it. I also don't even know his full name. Oh..I hope he will get the present i gave him. because i don't know his really name but i wrote his class-2A. Hope he''ll get it and like it.hee...goodnight diary! I love you too!!muakz^^

-End of chapter 10-

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chapter 9 - Good bye Taehyeon!!:(

9th of Feb 22:02

Everything today was like normal. Taehyeon was busy preparing all the documents she needed to leave school. All of us were like so sad.*(Soongmin and i) It was like end of the world!! AHHHHH!!We went home as usual but today was a bit different. I walked passed the science lab and saw that someone was in there. I was curious and tip-toed nearer to see who was that person leaning on the science lab table. Ehhh...with a nearer look, i saw that it was that KIM JUNG WHAT?* What is he doing there?? I looked from the door quietly without making a single noise. I looked at him. He seems to be very stressed up and having a lot of problems. While I was peeping quietly from the door my shitty-weird phone suddenly RANG!!! "RINGG!! RING!!"
IT RANG AT THE WRONG TIME!!! WRONG TIME!!!!!!! I quickly ran away,i hope KIM JUNG WHAT?* didn't see my face.Hoo..It was so ***** . I really can feel his loneliness and sadness on KIM JUNG WHAT?*'s face. His face really makes me feel like wanting to know him more and more, and talk to him.

I drew Kim Jung What?*. I love drawing<3

Nobody called Yunnie*(Wasabi) again. Yunnie*(Wasabi) told that nobody that she thinks that she is falling in love with someone. (But she didn't tell him the details) Nobody also told *(Wasabi) that he is feeling extremely down today. He told Yunnie*(Wasabi) that he felt like resting and not doing anything. He is tired of everything.

Wasabi :"Nobody don't work too hard! you must also rest sometimes. Don't worry so much!:)" Nobody :"Thank you, Wasabi. I'm feeling better."
Wasabi :"Haha..I'll treat you wasabi ice-cream next time!hahahaa..."
Nobody :"Okay..Thanks Wasabi!! Don't forget!"
Wasabi :"Good night! I'm tired already."
Nobody :"Rest well!!Good night!"


Taehyeon will be leaving on the day before Valentine's day.
Yunnie :"Taehyeon, Taehyeon please don't go."
Yunnie tugged at Taehyeon's t-shirt. :"Please....."
Soongmin :"Yarr..Yunnie, don't make it difficult for Taehyeon."
Soongmin looked at Yunnie and then at Taehyeon sadly. He sighed."Haiix..."
Yunnie pouted.
Taehyeon hugged them and said :"Don't be sad my dear chinggu*(friends) I really can't bear to leave you all but..." Tears flowed down like a river...

Everyone bid Taehyeon goodbye.
Yunnie :"YARRR!!!! LIVE WELL!! EAT WELL!! SLEEP WELL!!!!!!!"
Soongmin and Yunnie :"We LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!"
Everyone was so extremely down, gloomy and moody that day when Taehyeon left.
Yunnie :"Soongmin, I'm really sad."
Soongmin :"Me too.Why must she leave us??"
He put his hands over Yunnie's shoulders.
Soongmin :"Let's go!"

-End of Chapter 9-

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dear readers, Hope you will like this story.
Please scroll to the bottom and the music will play.
Then, you can start reading while the music plays!!:)
Thanks for those who read this!!

Chapter 8 - The sad news

It's a Saturday today!! (Woohoo~no need to get up so early today!!), thought Yunnie. Yunnie tossed to the left-side of the bed and continued sleeping.zZZ~

Suddenly, my cellphone rang."Ring!!!Ring!!!" I slowly reached out my hand to get my cellphone on the small side-table beside my bed. But before i could answer the call the call had already ended. I checked the number to know who had just called me. It was not Taehyeon's number and it was also not Soongmin's number. The number 01065557493 doesn't sound familiar and i think this person who called me may had pressed the wrong number.

I put down my phone and trying to get back to sleep. My phone rang again. This time i managed to answer the call. "Yoboseyo.*(Hello) " There was no reply, I said again :"Yoboseyo..Is anyone there??" There was no reply also. I quickly ended the call. "Hmm...this is really weird. Why don't the person reply or talk??" "Growlll..." My dear glutton stomach is already hungry. After brushing my teeth, i rushed down to look for something to eat something. My mom had already prepared breakfast. "Chalmoke-sumneeda!!*(Let's eat!!)".......I quickly ate the lovely scramble egg that mom made for me. "Thanks mom for the nice breakfast!!"

I returned to my room. I picked up my phone and saw that there was a message writing..

Hello, I'm a sad and stressed up person.
Can i share my problems with you?

I checked the number>>01065557493. It was from the same number that called me just now.
"Ahh..these days many people like to cheat and trick innocent young girls like me. Harhh.. Sorry I'm not so dumb and will not get into your trap."

I quickly replied the message.

Hello, who are you? what do you want? Why do you want to share your problems with me? Is there something wrong with you? You want to share your problems with someone you don't know?? I'm a happy and clever* girl.:P

That person replied me.

Ermm..I don't know you now but maybe we will become friends next time? Do you mind being friends with me? I'm really stressed up these days with all the work given by my company. I can hardly breathe in this fast-moving world. I think i really can't catch up with it. I'm also studying now. Everything is like going to suffocate me! What shud i do??

Then i text him back.

Ehh..actually i don't really mind to have another friend. Haha..Ohh..U no need to be afraid of the world and everything in it that is moving fast. U just haf to go on little by little. Take it easy man. Btw, are u a boy or a girl???

He replied>>I'm a boy, i'm 18 this year.

Yunnie replied>>Ohh..U're the same age as me!^^

He text back>> Tat's good! Haha..Call me *NOBODY*. Thanks for letting me know you.

Yunnie replied>> Call me *WASABI*.hahaha..bcos i like eating wasabi ice-cream:) You can find
me if you're stressed up.Relax man!

NOBODY said>> Okay.Thanks!!Kamsahamneeda!!:D


Yunnie started to text with that nobody* quite frequently. Slowly they changed from complete strangers to the people that they share their worries and problems.

Yunnie text to nobody>> Actually it is quite good to share problems with people u dunno.

Suddenly Yunnie's phone rang. It was NOBODY. Yunnie picked up the phone."Yoboseyo, NOBODY!" "Yoboseyo." "This is the first time i'm talking to you.Haha..." "Yepp..It's nice to know a funny and cute girl like you eventhough i dont know how you look like." "Yea..hehe.." "Erm..what's your hobby??" "Eh..I love drawing people! and eating wasabi ice-cream!huhu~Do u like eating wasabi ice-cream??" "Me??i don't really like the taste. I ate it a few times last year."

YUNNIE!!!!!Taehyeon is here!!, mom shouted.

"Ohh..NOBODY, i got to go. I have something on later.Bye, okay chat next time."
It was already 2pm, Yunnie forgot all about the time while she was talking on the phone and had totally forgotten about thedate with Taehyeon in the afternoon.

Yunnie shouted: "Okay. I'll be ready in a minute!"

Yunnie quickly grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of jeans to wear, comb her hair and went downstairs.
"Hi, Taehyeon. Sorry i'm late again." Taehyeon smiled and said :" It's okay and it's normal for you be be late right? If you're not late then you aren't the Seo Yunnie i know.Haha..Let's go!"

It was quite sudden that Taehyeon wanted to treat us (me and Soongmin) a lunch at the italian cafe. Soongmin joined us half an hour later. We started ordering food. After eating the main course. I ordered wasabi ice-cream for dessert. When I was enjoying my favourite wasabi ice-cream, Soongmin and Taehyeon looked at me and atarted laughing. They said there was green stuff around my mouth and i looked funny. Soongmin took a piece of tissue to helped me clean. "Ahh...hh..It's okay.I did it on purpose to make you all laugh. I'll clean it off myself, thanks!" Soongmin laughed,"Hahah.." Suddenly Taehyeon looked at both of us sadly. We're shocked to see that because Taehyeon was always smilling and was never sad.

Yunnie :"What happen??Taehyeon."
Soongmin :"Taehyeon."
Taehyeon :" I want to tell you all that i'll be leaving S.korea to go to U.S.A next week. My uncle
stays there and he wants to look after my whole family. So he asked all of us to
move there to stay with him so that he can look after us."
Yunnie :"HUH?!?! TAEHYEON, you're leaving? Please don't.I really can't bear to let you go!"
Soongmin :"Taehyeon, we really can't bear to let you go."
Taehyeon :"Me too.So i'm really very sad."
Yunnie :"You're going so far away!!"

Taehyeon hugged Soongmin and Yunnie and cried. Yunnie also cried.
Taehyeon :"You two are my best friend forever!!!! Thanks for all the memories you two gave
me! LOVE YOU TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3"

All of us continued crying until the waiter chased us away.
stupid waiter.Actually we were crying too loudly and disturbing the other customers.LOL.

-End of Chapter 8-

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chapter 7 - super-power eyes^^

Yunnie : Hi, everybody!!

Everyone in the music studio starred at me like i was an alien, they maybe thinking that i've come to the wrong planet. I smiled and bowed to them but no one bothered and just continued starring at me*the alien* and then they continued talking and doing what they were doing just now.. This is the first time i attended the music club's meeting . Taehyeon joined choir and Soong min joined Tae Kwan Do! He said he wanted to protect girls like us.><|||

All the people who were in music club looks so unfriendly and cold. Suddenly there was loud clap, everyone turned towards the sound. "Wahh...thank God they had changed a target to look at!:)" I suddenly realised that there was complete silent. So i also quickly looked up towards the person who clapped loudly just now.

It's him again???? He saw me in the crowd and smiled to me. Is it a dream??? I quickly rubbed my eyes and looked up again. It was really that HERO who saved me. He started talking.
"Hello, everybody. I'm Kim Jung.......the president of.....I'm happy to know that our music club has a new member this year." "Only one??" Everyone started murmuring and chattering. They turned and looked around. When they saw me they laughed and turned away. Do i looked stupid or what?? Is it my hair that is messy or my face is dirty?? What's wrong with them?? Suddenly there was a voice saying :"Clap your hands to welcome that new member. Please come here and introduce yourself to us." The Kim Jung WHAT?*(I didn't really heard his name properly.) looked at me and nodded."SHIT!!! Am i the only new member?!?!OH no!!" Everyone started to clap so i quickly walked to the front without delaying everybody's time. I was so nervous and it was so sudden, i really felt that there were butterflies in my stomach.

"Erm..." Everyone starred at me. "Erm....I.....m...." I looked at Kim Jun What?* He gave me a look that i cannot forget. That look helped me to regain my confidence and gave me courage to speak. That was really a powerful look!! I swallowed my saliva."GULP." "Erm..Hello everybody! I'm Seo Yunnie from class-2B. I'm happy to join this music club. Please guide me in many ways." I gave a big wide smile and bowed. That Kim Jung WHAT?* came and stood beside me. He reached out his hand to shake my hand. He said :"Of course, we'll guide you in what you don't know." He smiled and 'WE' SHOOK HANDS!! Blood rushed to my brain! I almost faint but fortunately i didn't if not it will be so so awkward in front of so many people. Our music club members started to play some music to welcome me with all kinds of instruments like guitar, piano, drum, flute..."Nice music!!"I started clapping. Everyone starred at me again, I think maybe the people in music club like to stare at people. The music continued. I went to a corner of the music studio to sit down. "Ehh..What is your name??" Someone pushed me on my shoulder from the back. I turned and said : "Yunnie, didn't you hear me introducing myself just now?" "Ohh..Yunnie?? I was sleeping." "HUH?!?! sleeping??here??" "yea.." That person smiled to me. He started to introduce himself, "Ohk..my name is Tony, class-2A, loves sleeping and swimming, love wearing jeans and tee, single.." (Why is this person telling me everything about him?) "Huh?" "It's your turn!hahah.." "Oh.Im in class-2B.You're in the same class as that president?" "Yepp.hah.." "Oh..I love drawing and single too." "Hahahahh.." "What are you laughing at?!?!><" "Hahahh..Okay." Tony stood up and took his bottle and said see you!! and hit my shoulders and walked out of the studio, he looked tough with all that muscles. I felt a tap on my shoulder."What instrument do you play?" I turned my head and saw a pretty senior*(sunbae) "Ahhh..."(Actually i don't play any instruments and i only love listening to people play.) "Ermm...actually I don't play any." The senior's face turned like tat ><|||, and said "It's okay.You can learn right?" "Erm..Yepp!! sunbae:)" "Don't worry, I'll teach you." "Kamsahamneeda!!SUNBAE!!"

I went back after everything finished. I helped to do some clearing after the small party for the first meeting. After finished writing my diary , i tried calling Taehyeon but her phone was engaged. Suddenly I remembered that that Kim Jung What?* shook my hand just now and did not want to wash my right-hand forever(joking), and his super powerful eyes , i fell in loved with his eyes!<3 "Ahh.."I yawned and tears flowed out of my tired eyes. I quickly climbed onto my bed and cuddled in my warm blanket. The feeling was so nice and comfortable. In a minute's time, i was already in my dream world, dreaming about that HERO??.haha.Hope so.

-End of Chapter 7-

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chapter 6 -a weird dream

I was in a shopping complex enjoying my wasabi* ice-cream.I saw a man walking towards me but i couldn't really see his face as he was wearing a mask and a sunglasses. I continued eating my ice-cream. I really love this wasabi ice-cream.It was my favourite.Without noticing, the man walked nearer and nearer towards me to touched my face. He said :"Your face is dirty." I angrily pushed his hands away, shouted :"PERVERT!!" and ran away. I saw that there was an exit so i quickly ran as fast as i could towards the exit.But that exit door doesn't seem to get nearer. That PERVERT ran after me too. I shouted :"PERVERT!!!!!!!!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!"

Suddenly someone slapped me on my face."Hey hey, Yunnie wake up or else you'll be late for school." I hit that person back :"PERVERT!!AHH..." "Yunnie, Yunnie It's mom here." I slowly opened my eyes..ans said :"Mom???huh??..Ohh mom..I dreamt of a pervert who kept following me." Mom saw that i have sweat all over my face and asked me to go and get ready."Okay, mom."
I quickly got up and went into the bathroom. When i was brushing my teeth that pervert in my dream came into my mind again. "Ohhh..."I suddenly thought of the mysterious-rude man again. "Ehhhh...they look alike..?!?! Are they the same person?? Ohhh..." I changed into my school uniform and rushed to school by taking the tram.

When i reached school everyone was staring at me. I didn't bother so i quickly went to class. My classmates started laughing when they saw me. Taehyeon rushed towards me and whispered into my ear."You are in your pyjamas pants, where is your skirt??" I looked down immediately, "Arh?? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" I ran as fast as i could to the toilet. "Hu...hu..what must i do?!?!?" Taehyeon quickly went to borrowed a skirt from the school and gave it to me. It was like super-big but i still have to wear it. it was better than none. "HAixx..How can i be sooo blur.?? my mom also didnt notice what i was wearing..Taehyeon..im soooo embarrassed!!" "Yunnie, you're too blur .This is the first time i see people wear pyjamas to school in my life" Taehyeon giggled. I hit her hand and said :"I'm soooo embarrassed now!! You, my best friend still laughing at me like the others.:(" "Yunnie, don't be sad.Sorry.I don't mean it but...hahahh.." "YOU!!!! GEUM TAE HYEON!!!!><" we went back to class quickly. Soongmin was still laughing. I asked him what is so funny. He just point at me and laugh. "HEY! both of you as my best friends still want to tease me abotu what happen just now!" Soongmin quickly controlled his laughter and said :"Yarr..It's not funny at all." He quickly continue doing his homework. Then he ask me why an i late today..I told him about the weird dream and he started laughing again. I didn't bother about that stupid Soongmin and did my own work. While i was doing i was thinking about that person in my dream.Are they the same person.I saw the sad face button-badge pinned on my bag and remembered that the mysterious-rude man had dropped this button-badge.I want to return to him but i dont know where to look for him. Geum Tae Hyeon, Park Soong Min and Seo Yunnie became best friends! They share everything under the sun...

Taehyeon, Soongmin, Yunnie

Once they promised each other that.....................................

every Valentine's day they three will spend it together until they found their partners.
Soongmin : "PROMISE!!!hahahh...:)"
Taehyeon : "Hee..of course, promise!:D"
Yunnie : "HAHAHAHAHAHHH...^^"
Soongmin & Taehyeon :"Whats your answer then?!?!"
Soongmin & Taehyeon :"Stop hahahahahh-ing! Tell us!!><"
Yunnie : "heehee...SURE!!PROMISE!! okay..i'll treat you all wasabi ice-cream, my favourite!!" Soongmin : ''NOOOOOOO!!!!! i dont like wasabi.." Taehyeon : "Okay..tat's what you said..!!" Yunnie : "I'm a gentlewomen. Hee~Let's GOOOOO!!!" But in the end we ate this.... Three of us share this cute ice-cream with all the flavours available
Hahahah..cool right??It was Soongmin's crazy idea!!

1st of Feb 22:56
2 more weeks and it is valentine's day!!huhu!! I'm really waiting for that day to come. Taehyeon always says that your love one will come to meet you on valentine's day.I'm so excited!! And the three of us- Soongmin, Taehyeon and me have already made a promise to go out together. We'll sure have fun because we're going to the amusement park! Hope that day will arrived quickly. aAHaa..Our school's traditional every year during valentine's day is that everyone can give little gifts to the person he/she likes. It's fun! The person who gives the little pressie will not write his/her name. At the end of the day the names who gave the presents will then be announce by the class teacher. HUHU~ heehee..I'm tired and i wana sleep, byebye diary^^.

-End of chapter 6-

Friday, February 13, 2009

Chapter 5

Thank you Soong min for forgiving me.
I really hope that i can be your friend.
I know im stupid last time.
I know im very bad.:(

I quickly passed the paper i wrote to Soongmin who is next to me.
I pretended to be busy doing my homework. Meanwhile i also kept peeping at Soongmin to see whether he has read what i wrote. but he also kept doing his things, like nothing happened at all.
I waited and waited and waited for him to reply me or talk to me. But he did none.

"AHHH!!" I turned and pushed Soongmin's shoulders. "Hey why dont you reply me???"
He used both his hands and turned me towards him, touching my shoulders, looking into my eyes and said :"Why dont you tell me in person?" "I....i...Aiyahh..just read it !!" He looked into my eyes and said :"I was not angry with you, You can also be my friend of course.." He laughed and hit my head. I was so angry...ARGHH..how can he do that to me?? i'll become more stupid if he hits my head.>< I turned to the back to talk to Taehyeon. When Taehyeon saw me, she kept laughing. "What's so funny?!?!" "Nothing....now Soongmin and you have become good friends!" she smiled:) "How can a good friend do this to me??" Soongmin turned backwards and smiled to us. He said : "Hey you two princesses! are you free on saturday night? I am going to treat both of you something." Taehyeon and me:" Sure, we're ON!!"Soongmin smiled again like this ^^ ( His eyes really look like they were only lines.) hahah..:))

Recess time!! huhu~ shouted Soong min.
three of us quickly took our lunch box and rushed to the canteen like mad people because the last person will treat an expensive meal. Every student was like starring at us. Soong min ran the fastest *because he is an athletic. I was the slowest of them all. So even i run with my fastest speed i would also lose. I quickly changed my path to a shorter route(short-cut, haha i'll surely win!!woohoo~) When i saw that none of them was there i thought i'll be able to win.BUT!

A pair of strong arms caught hold of me.huhu~
And then he said : "Be careful." I looked into his face and saw that he is that............thatt...
I faint on the spot.


I opened my eyes and looked around..(Where am i???)
I was lying on a bed..my vision was still blurred..I rubbed my eyes.
Suddenly someone walked into the room, he was holding a glass of water, walking towards me.
That....t.h.h.att.....that...handsome guy!! I quickly sit up.
He came to me and passed me the glass of water and said : "Pls be careful next time, take care."
He walked out of the room straight away. Actually i wanted to say thanks for saving me but he walked too quickly. His face looked sad and lonely. But I think he is a good man. :) Until now i still do not know his name.:((((((
After resting i walked back to class. Soongmin shouted :"Yunnie!! Are you okay now??"
Taehyeon also quickly rush towards me. I really feel that my friends really care for me! I am so happy.:)) Soong min kept on asking how did i fell down and why did i faint on the spot. I quickly replied :"Dont know!?...I'm okay now:) Thanks for your concern. hehe.." I hit taehyeon and Soongmin's head..and went back to my place. Soongmin shouted :"Ouch!! i'll become stupid if you hit my head" i said softly :"Revenge..hehe.." He said :"WHAT??!??" "nothing..hahah.."

I went home and ate lots of kimchi for dinner and went into my room. I walked passed my table and saw the button-badge again. I picked it up and when i looked properly at the button-badge, i thought of the scene of me falling today and that HERO saved me.But why did i think of him suddenly?? Ah..I want to thank him for saving me.But i still doesn't know his name. I looked at the button-badge dissapointedly and pinned the badge to my bag. I fell asleep.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chapter 4 - The real YOU

Park Soong min is super irritating!!
He keeps playing and do some nonsensical stuff!!

Don't bother about him..hahah..
He's like that.He's a funny boy.hahahh..

Really feel like changing seats.
ahh...its so boring sitting with him.
dont tell him i told you these..hehe..
if not he will kill me...-.-

The teacher walks out of the class...

Soongmin : Hey, Yunnie are you free this weekend?
Yunnie : Erm..i think not!why?
Soongmin : feel like going out to play.It's so boring these days..
Yunnie : You'll will not feel nice going out with me.
Soongmin : why???
Yunnie : .....................nothing.
Soongmin : ......ohh..then i will ask Taehyeon."Taehyeon!! are you free this weekend??"
Taehyeon : Yepp.^^why??.......
Soongmin : Let's go out to play.
Taehyeon : Sure!!Did you ask Yunnie??
Soongmin : Yea,she said she doesn't want to go.
Taehyeon : I'll help you ask her out okay??hahahh:)
Soongmin : Taehyeon,thankss!

Yunnie : Ohhhh.....What's this???? Who is this in the photo??
Yunnie picked up the photo from the floor under Soong min's chair.

Yunnie : He's soooooooo cute!!!Kiyouta-neh!!
Suddenly, someone snatch the photo from me.When i looked up.I saw Soongmin with his angry face.He took the picture and ran out of the classroom.This is the first time i saw that Soong min was so angry. I quickly followed him and ran out of the class. I saw Soong min at the school's balcony. i let him calm down first so i stand a few metres behind him. I saw his face, it looks so sad and lonely.Then after that i walked towards him. "Soong min...biyaneh..*sorry in korean*
He looked at me and then looked into the sky sadly. i said again"biyaneh..." He closed his eyes and tears flowed out of his eyes. I quickly took out my flowery handkerchief and gave it to him. Soong min took out the photo that i saw just now."He is my brother.I wished i had loved him more..more!!!!!MORE!! I really miss him.." "You mean.......He's....in...............heaven now??" Soong min looked at me..I looked back at him into his watery eyes.This is the first time i look straight into his eyes.He nodded."Yes..He died while we went swimming together.He saved me but he himself was drowned." There was a complete silent.I always thought that Soong min had no worries and is a very irritating boy. But now i know i was WRONG!! (Sorry..sorry...Soong min..maybe i really have hurt you.) Soong min suddenly turned towards me and gave me a hug - a very tight one, a very very tight one,until i was barely able to breathe.He said to me :"Kamsahamneeda.."I was surprised that i didn't pushed him away. He looked at me and smiled.He wiped his tears and held both of my hands and pushed my flowery handkerchief into my hands.After that he walked away..

I was dumb-founded and i found out about the real Soong min.
I was really so stupid to be so bad towards him.I really feel so bad right now.
I quickly followed Soong min backed to class.

When we reached our class, our teacher is already in the class.He asked us to go and see the principle for skipping class. We went to the principle's office and we got punishment to wash the whole school hall, basketball room and store room.

So both of us stayed back to washed the school hall, basketball room and the store room. Taehyeon helped us packed our things and brought it to us.She also stayed back to helped us. We started clearing up and taking the mops and brooms.We started our cleaning, brushing, washing, clearing job.It took us the whole afternoon to finish clearing all the places. We finished at around 6pm. All of us were dead beat. While we were packing to go home, i shouted into the blue blue sky "Sorry!! Soongmin!! for all the things i've said or done that hurt you! " Soongmin shouted back" Its okay!!We're are BEST FRIENDS!!" When i heard this my tears flowed out like a river. I took out a post-it and wrote on it.Thanks!Park Soong Min!!.then i pasted it on Soongmin's t-shirt sleeve.He read it and smiled at me, i smiled back too..Suddenly, Taehyeon popped out and shouted :"Let's go home!!"
The three of us became best friends.:)))))))))))

P/s, I finally understand my friend, Soongmin^^.
Soongmin, heng-oonulpeemneeda!!!!(all the best in korean) :))

-End of Chapter 4-

Chapter 3 - Fate or coincidence???

6th January

As usual, i went to school today.Still having the memory of that super-duper handsome boy in my mind. I was looking out for him in school, but i didnt see him today. Haixx...quite sad..:( Erm..okay...today Soong min touched my hair. So i became angry and shouted at him. I really hate PARK SOONG MIN, that irritating boy!!ARGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! He keeps using all my stationeries eventhough he has all his own stationeries. He takes my mechanical pencil, my monAmi eraser, my long plastic ruler,my blue stapler, ahh...he meddles with everything in my pencilcase! I am really angry!!>< HUHU~YUNNIE,relax!!~ Soong min always disturb Taehyeon and me. Then Taehyeon will laugh like mad when i become angry because of Soong min. I think Soong min is a weirdo who likes to disturb ppl. I have been quarreling with Soong min since school started (ALMOST EVERYDAY!!), really cant stand him. After skool, i went out with Taehyeon to go window-shopping.Really happy to haf such a joyful friend that cheers me up when i feel tired,angry or being irritated by*Soong min*. We ate ice-cream while walking back home. I brought my camera so i snapped some photos of myself and Taehyeon. I hugged her and told her thanks for being my fren! She started laughing and said that i was so mushy by saying that. But she also hugged me back and told me the same thing. We laughed all the way to the bus-stop to go home. We waited for about 1 hour until the bus came. Taehyeon and i hopped onto the bus. The bus was packed with many people. We were squashed like sardine in a tin. I couldn't even move a single step,the only thing i could is to turn my head around.I saw a man wearing a black leather coat standing right beside me.He was also wearing a pair of sunglasses, a mask and a beanie. Suddenly, the picture of the mysterious-rude man that i met in the hospital popped up.I let out a sound..OPPs!!Everybody in the bus looked at me, even the mysterious-rude person looked at me but he quickly turned away when he saw me in the eye.I think he can recognised me. i really can confirm that this person is the mysterious-rude man i met in the hospital even without looking at his face because he has a button-badge on his bag, "the SAME button-badge!!!" as the M-rude man.It has a sad face wearing a pair of sunglasses on the badge, like this...
I reached out my hand to touched his shoulders but at the same time he pressed the bell to get down of the bus. I quickly pulled back my hand but i heard a sound, like something has dropped. The M-rude man got down the bus, i shouted at him but he didn't look back and just walked away. I quickly bend down to look for the thing he dropped. I saw that it was the button badge with the sad face so i quickly pick it up and kept the badge for the M-rude man."Maybe" i'll meet him again...God let me bump into him two times.and maybe the third time? maybe?Taehyeon went home before me.and finally i reached home too!!^^

Yunnie: "Mom!!!! Can you help me take my towel??"
Mom: "Okay..hold on!"
Yunnie:"Okay got it..thanks!!:).mom you're the best!"
Mom:"I know..hahahhh.."

After bath i went into my room. I saw the button-badge on my table so i took it and lie on my bed analysing the button-badge. Is it why tat M-rude man like this..because it also wears sunglasses?i laughed..:"Hahahhhaaahhh..."until i fell asleep................

-End of chapter 3-

Chapter 2 - A new year

3 weeks later.......

5th january 14:30
School has just reopened. I went to school as usual. It was my 2nd year in Pusan High school. I became a senior who can help the new students.Hahahh...I am happy that Taehyeon has also recovered from the mild injuries that happened during the accident last year. Taehyeon is in the same class as me this year, we wanted to sit together but our evil-class teacher forced all girls to sit beside the boys. It was so sickening to think of it!! The boy who is now sitting beside me is so super irritating. I just hate sitting beside him, and its not for a day but its for a YEAR!! His name is Park Soong Min. If you see him without talking or opening his mouth, he looks quite "cute".Besides talking about Soong min, I saw a good looking guy in school today. He is in the class before mine, class 2A. He is so attractive, handsome and gorgeous!! I think he is a new student here. He is pretty smart to be in class 2A. but when i looked at him, he quickly turned away shockingly,maybe he's shy?? I got to find out more about him!!hehe..X)

After finishing writing my diary, I wanted to text my friend Taehyeon.But i couldn't find my cellphone."Where's my phone?!?!, maybe it's downstairs" So i went downstairs to look for it but in vain. "Ohhh...gosh!!" I remember i brought it to school today.maybe i left it there?? I quickly went back to school to looked for my phone.I rushed to my classroom and searched for it high and low.I searched under my desk and the whole room. In the end i still couldn't find it. I was so devastated and was very angry with myself for being so absent-minded. If i lose this phone, i could never get another cellphone this year. The money i earned from the Chinese restaurant was already planned to use to buy some other stuffs."Haiixxx....ahh....haixxx.........haii..xx...." I sat down on the steps in front of my class, putting my head on my knee, face down, almost going to cry, tears can be seen in the corners of my eyes.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and heard the person say :"Is this yours?" I looked up at him. I saw my phone in the person's hand. I shouted:"That's mine!" The person laughed:"haha..okay calm down alright?" and he smiled to me.:) In a sudden i was shocked that the person was that super-duper handsome hunk!! that person from class 2A, that new boy! He smiled at me! WOAH!! His smile really makes me melt!When i was day dreaming and forgotten that he was talking to me. He pushed me :"Eh..Are you there?"He waved his hand at me.Suddenly i woke up and quickly said :"yar yarr... of course!"I smiled backed."Is this your cellphone? When i was leaving my classroom i heard your phone ringing in your classroom.So i took it and waited until someone came back to look for it." "Ohh...thanks you very much!!kamsahamneeda!!"That boy passed me the phone and walked away saying :"You're welcome" I felt blood rushing to my brain and almost had a nose bleed or faint on the spot.I was very happy that i found my cellphone and went back home happily. Thanks to that boy!!<3

This is the handsome guy from class2A

-End of Chapter 2-

Chapter 1- Beginning

Day by day....

Each day just passed quickly like a blink in the eye.Just after my part time job in a chinese-food restaurant,i did my usual daily activities -like downloading music,songs and stuff and also listening to some music.
As my dull ,plain and simple day was going to pass, suddenly there was a loud bang on my room door."YUNNIE!!!YUNNIEEE!!!!!!"I didn't bother to answer, I continued to listen to my music.
The banging also continued. "YUNNIEE!!!YUNNIE!!!!!!!" I pushed down my earphones and answered :"WHAT?!?!?" Mom shouted back :"YUNNIE!!Your boss is on the phone, he wants to speak to you, URGENTLY!!" "BOSS??!!?, Oh my gosh!! Okay I'll be down in a minute!" I threw my earphones on my table and darted down the flight of steps and quickly picked up the phone. "Ermm. Hello? Boss, yunnie here.Huh?!?!?!?....,okay, Bye." My boss told me that my best friend, Taehyeon had meet with an accident and she is now in the general hospital. My boss asked me to take over Taehyeon's place because she is working night-shift tonight in his restaurant. But who in the right mind would want to go to work now? I wanted to visit my friend at the general hospital now!!

I quickly picked up my jacket and rushed out of my house into the cold, quiet night. My mom shouted : "Hey where are you going at this time of the night?" I shouted back while rushing
out :"I will explain to you when i come back!!I'll be home as soon as possible!" I took the fastest tram that would bring me to the general hospital. I rushed to the reception counter and shouted "TAEHYEON!!!" The nurse started at me with those killer eyes, but i always thought that all nurses should be kind-hearted isn't it?? Then, i repeated politely,"Taehyeon please.." The nurse stared at me again but this time it wasn't with those killer eyes, but i could see that she is confused. Okay so i repeated myself again :"Can you tell me which ward Taehyeon is in?" The nurse stared back at me again! I was almost going to strangle the nurse but then the nurse looked back to her computer screen and said :"Ohh...room 033" I replied "Thanks!" and finally i ran towards her room.

When I opened the wardroom door, I saw a lifeless, tired,and a lonely girl lying in the bed just opposite the door. I ran to her bed and called her :"Taehyeon!" but the girl didn't answer. But a sound from behind me said :"I'm here." "Oh Shit!!" I have mistaken that girl as you: I replied while turning towards Taehyeon shyly. Taehyeon had abrasions all over both her hands and had a fractured right leg. I was shocked to see Taehyeon still smiling eventhough she had met with this stupid accident! Since I got to know Taehyeon, she was a joyfyl, cheerful, funny girl,filled with crazy ideas, as lively as a cricket,and you can find her laughing over trivial matters. Taehyeon is a very nice girl. She comes from a poor family but all the hardships she went through helped her to become a tougher and stronger person. Her dad left her while she was four. She has 4 siblings and a mother to look after. She is a very hardworking and a very sweet girl. I always love being her friend who can share troubles and worried with her. Taehyeon told me how that silly accident happened.

After knowing that Taehyeon was okay, I was relieved. So i went out to buy a drink for her. On my way to the canteen of the hospital, i was thinking why God let a nice girl like Taehyeon meet with this stupid accident. Maybe God has his reasons,eh..Of course! He is God after all!:)
Someone bang into me! I shouted in pain :"ARHHHhh..!!" The man looked at me shockingly, picked up his things and walked away hurriedly. I shouted at that person :"Don't you know how to say sorry?" The person looked mysterious. He was wearing a beanie, a pair of sunglasses , and a mask that was covering his mouth. I continued my journey angrily but kept having a weird feeling about that mysterious-rude man. Finally i reached the canteen, bought 2 drinks and went back to Taehyeon's room. At about 11:34 p.m i went back home. Everyone in my house was already fast asleep. I went into my room and was preparing to go to sleep. But the picture of that mysterious-rude man looking shockingly at me kept flashing back on my mind. But i couldn't really see his face because he wore many things to hide his face. I sat quietly on my bed trying to figure out that mysterious-rude man.Why does the picture of this weird man keep
coming in my mind?!?!?!.......

-End of Chapter 1-

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