He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Chapter 22 - MARITIUS ISLAND!!

One week passed quickly and Taehyeon was already back in U.S.A.
Taehyeon promised Yunnie that she will come back when she can.

They are all getting ready for the holiday trip in Mauritius
(Soongmin, Tony, Yunnie and Jang Li)
They got their passports, clothes, pants, and Yunnie even brought her bolster.


All of them were very excited.
Soongmin and Jang li (couple)
Tony and Yunnie (couple?) Taa-haa!!:D


They went to the airport..and then



Tony sat beside Yunnie and Soongmin sat beside Jang li.

Tony :"Yarr..Yunnie.I think you will like the place."
Yunnie :"Hmm.."
Yunnie replied looking down.
Tony turned and looked at Yunnie closely.
Yunnie :"........................."
Her head was falling, leaning on to Tony's shoulders.
Tony :"Hey...Seo Yunnie.You're sleeping?!?!?"
Tony smiled sweetly to himself and turn towards the window.
He tried not to moved as much as possible.

Yunnie :".........................."
she aroused from her sleep, from Tony's shoulder.
Tony saw her :"Yarr....you've been sleeping for so long!!"
Yunnie rubbed her tired eyes and stared into Tony's face.
Tony :"Hey...Wake up my dear Seo Yunnie!"
After a second Yunnie dropped back to the same position and continued to sleep.
Tony :"Yarr..Yarhhh!!"
Soongmin and Jang li saw both of us and they giggled.
Tony whispered to himself :"Are you here to just sleep?Hmmp.."

They reached Maritius island!!!
Tony grabbed him camera and snapped the scenery there!
It was......

Yunnie jumped excitedly.:"Hoohoo~"
Tony brought us to the villa to check in and put our stuff.
All of us followed.

Tony gave Soongmin and Jang Li their keys.
and told them to meet for dinner, at 7:30pm.
Tony said to Yunnie :"Let's go!"
Yunnie :"Which is my room?"
Tony :"Room 11."
Yunnie chuckled and said :"That's my favourite number!Then which room are you staying in??"
Tony :"Room 11."
Yunnie :"Huh??Room 11?? Isn't it mine?"
Tony grinned and flashed his teeth.
"We're in the same room."
Yunnie :"Noooo!!!..."
Tony :"but why??Soongmin and Jang Li are also in the same room."
Yunnie :"............................"><
Yunnie didnt answer Tony.
Tony :"Don't worry.I won't do anything to you!"
He laughed as they walked to their room!!
Yunnie gave out a sigh.
Tony :"Hey...Don't be like that, okay, I'll let you have the bed??"
Yunnie :"Can we go change the rooms?"
Tony :"Ermmm...Okay."
Tony left to change the rooms to two single bed rooms.

Yunnie waited inside room 11.
Tony was back but still couldn't change the rooms because it was all fully booked.
Yunnie said nothing and started to unpack her stuff.
Tony also didnt say anything.
After a long silence moment.
Tony drew in a jagged breath, breaking the silence and said. :"Yunnie. Why are you so quiet, it isn't the usual you! I promise to let you have the bed!"
Yunnie looked up at Tony and smiled.
"Are you feeling weird without me talking?"
Tony laughed :"Haha.."
He pressed his palms together and said :"Umm..Let's go out?"
He raised an eyebrow.:"??"

Then they went out walking slowly on the beach.
Tony suddenly said :"Yunnie..Are you angry?"
Yunnie :"........ermm."
Tony :"Sorry, i should have asked you before i made that decision."
Yunnie :"It's okay. I'm not as petty as you think i am."
She glanced at Tony.
Tony looked back into her eyes :"but then...why are you..."
Yunnie :"Owhh..I was worried about my mum.She caught a flu yesterday."
Tony looking a little lightened up by Yunnie's words.
Yunnie :"I'm still worried for her. because i have to leave today for our trip."
Tony :"Ohh..Dont worry! Your mom will be alright!!"
Yunnie :"Thanks for consoling me. I ruined up our mood for this trip."
Tony tried to hold Yunnie's hand but Yunnie put her hands into her black jacket's pocket.
Tony :"Kwen-chanayo."^^(nevermind in korean.)
Tony led Yunnie to a part of the beach.
Yunnie sat down on the soft whitish sand.
She grabbed a handful of sand and de sand slipped thru her hands :"It's really beautiful!!"
She said looking into the blue sky.
Tony lied down beside her, closing his eyes, enjoying the sun.
Yunnie gaze into his face. Suddenly Tony opened his eyes and their eyes met.
Yunnie quickly looked away and she tried to remember how to exhale.
Tony sat up and leaned closer to Yunnie.
His eyes were still set on her.
Yunnie quickly shut her eyes.-.-
Tony whispered into her ears.:"You're doing it again."
Yunnie's eyes opened wide with surprise. :"What?"
"Day-dreaming again."
Yunnie turned and gave him a crooked smile.
She stood up and walked towards the sea.
The water was crystal clear!
You could really see everything in the water.
Tony caught up with Yunnie and started splashing her with the water.
Yunnie :"Hey...Tony!!!"
She splashed back.
Tony caught her hand and asked her why did she choose him?
Yunnie struggled without answering Tony and continued splashing him with water.
They fought until both of them were tired.
Then they headed back to the villa to change out of their wet clothes.
Yunnie kept smilling when Tony sang the song :"Yunnie, you're my sunshine!"
After changing, Yunnie sat on the bed to wait for Tony who was still in the toilet.
Tony came out.
but it was still early.not yet 7:30.
Tony sat beside Yunnie. "you haven't answer my question.."
"ehh?? What question??", Yunnie looked at Tony innocently.
"............................Do you like me??"
He gave her a silly look.
Yunnie stared back at him, struggling to think clearly to answer him.
He was still looking into my eyes with his dark brown eyes.

Like this....

As i searched for the words to say, i could see his gentleness through his eyes.
"Let me think.Give me another second."
Tony waited for Yunnie's answer patiently.
Yunnie nodded.
Tony :"Do you need that long to just nod?"
Yunnie narrowed her eyes and looked at Tony to make him feel bad.
but Tony laughed and touched her face with the back of his hand.
Yunnie was stunned totally by his action.
Tony said :"I really like Seo Yunnie, pls help me pass her the message."
Yunnie just regained her conciousness and nodded.
and said :"I think she had already knew that."

Suddenly there's a knock on the door.
Tony :"Who's there??"

-End of Chapter 22-


Blogger Superheroine said...

thumbs up =DD
I am happy with the ending...
waiting for your next story...hahaha..

April 14, 2009 at 4:50 PM  
Anonymous grace said...

commented. LOL

longer! more! aza! :D

April 14, 2009 at 5:14 PM  

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