He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chapter 23 - my perfect man!!!<3

"Soongmin here."
Tony: "Okay..We will down in a minute."
Yunnie,[ i ] looked at my watch.
I didn't realised that the time had passed so fast while spending with Tony.
Tony looked at me, and said :"What are you waiting for?"
I looked up at Tony and wrinkled my nose. :"Nothing."
He reached out his hand to me.
and i grabbed his hand and stood up.
I was still paying attention at his huge brown eyes.
Suddenly, he touched my face wordlessly with his fingertips from my temple to my jaw.
I could feel his warmness through his hand.
My face reddened. and blushed.////
We walked down to meet Soongmin and Jang li.

Four of us went for dinner together.

at this place.
We chatted and ate happily.
Everyone agreed that this was a very nice place.
Everyone like this place a lot.
Suddenly Jang Li suggested to play a game.
It was the truth or dare game.
and she added that if the person cant do that task then that person have to kiss the person he/she likes.
Everyone was shocked by the game and the punishment set by Jang li.
Soongmin said Okay steadily.
I was reluctant to join but was pulled in the game at the end.><
Jang Li start spinning the bottle.
While the bottle spun and spun.
I closed my eyes and hope the victim will not be me.
"Owhh.."Soongmin made a loud cry.
"Thank God it wasn't me, it was Soongmin."
Tony dared Soongmin to drink 6 mugs of watermelon juice.
Soongmin drank the first one.
Jang li cheered for him. ^^
Soongmin :"Yarrrhh...Last cup!!"
and he finished all without a single drop left.
Woah~ they give difficult tasksT_T, thought Yunnie.
They spun the bottle again.
This time, Jang li got it.
She was asked to make stupid faces.(which was easy to me.)
I hope i was given an easy task.(if i got it.)
She did it and we continued playing.
While they were spinning the bottle, i took a sip of my soda.
"Yunnie!!!! you got it!!!"
All of them gave out a wicked smile and discussed what they wanted me to do.
Finally Soongmin said :"Yunnie, i have never seen you dance, pls dance.HAHA."
"Huh?? I dont know how to dance.I cant dance, really!"
Soongmin :"You have to even you dont know."
Yunnie said it frowning :"But...i..really..."
Jang li suddenly shouted :"KISS.KISS.KISS.KISS!!"
She clapped her hands to make some rhythm to suit her shouting.
But at that moment i was really totally blank at what Jang li said.
Then Soongmin joined in shouting:"Kiss.kiss.kiss!!!!"
Tony looked at me atonishedly.
What should i do?? i really dont know how to dance, thought Yunnie.
Yunnie suddenly took out her courage.


She closed her eyes.took a deep deep breathe.

Tony was stunned by what Yunnie, the silly girl did.
Tony's eyes were opened widely.
Yunnie kept her eyes down at the table and was embarassed for what she did in public!!
Yunnie blush.=.=
Tony stood there still frozed by the sudden Kiss??..
"Umm..."was all i was able to respond.
Soongmin and Jangli was also shocked but they kept on smilling.
After that, the game stopped for no pelicular reason.
I breathed a sigh of relieve that the game has ended.
And all of us continued eating our dinner that was served onto our table.
Tony sat down on his table and ate without saying anything.
Actually, I was also shocked by my own reaction.
i was wondering why did i do that..
I didnt know why i did that...
I didnt know where did my courage popped up from.
We continued eating quietly..
Soongmin and Jangli was enjoying, laughing and eating merrily.
Suddenly our arms touched and i was stunned by the electricity that flowed through me.
Tony turned to look at me .
I quickly smiled back sheepishly, with my mouth full with food.
He read my face carefully.
I quickly looked to the sky, trying to escape from his eyes.
The sky was pitch black and it was full with twingling stars.
I tried unsucessfully to relax but the electric current just wouldn't go away.
I twisted my fingers and tried to stay calm.
Soongmin and Jangli finished their meal quickly and said they wanted to go explore the place.
So after they had both left.
it was just both of us here.
Tony broke the silence and said :"Where did you get the courage from?"
The question took 5 seconds to registered into my head.
"Ohh...umm..I dont know."
I scratched my head with my left hand.
and fiddled with my hair.
Tony :"Ahh..nevermind.Thank you for letting me know that you like me more than i like you."
Yunnie looked at Tony shyly.
they walked back to the villa-room11 together.
Tony :"Thank you.I love you too, Yunnie.but i was quite shocked."
Yunnie laughed :"Hahah..Arhhh!!"
Tony :"Are you okay?"
She didnt notice that there is a stone in front of her.
Yunnie sprained her ankle.
Tony :"Let me carry you."
Yunnie :"No..I think i can walk."
Tony insisted.

Tony whispered to me :
"Do you know that, every breath tat you take will bring life into my deepest hopes?"
Yunnie didnt reply.
and she wished that the time would stop.
I believed that he was the perfect man for me.
No one else.

-End of Story!-


Blogger Superheroine said...

haha...you know what...
I thought the last episode was the ending..haha
happy ending =D
will you write more story next time?

April 14, 2009 at 7:43 PM  
Blogger teosuching janice said...

Yeah..i think so:D:D
haha.thanks for supporting me!!

April 14, 2009 at 10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry i used the wrong google account.
that's me.not ahjan.haha.

April 14, 2009 at 10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a good one girl
U r really creative leh
Well done
God bless

April 22, 2009 at 2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


April 1, 2012 at 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Story ;)

June 15, 2012 at 11:26 PM  

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