He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chapter 6 -a weird dream

I was in a shopping complex enjoying my wasabi* ice-cream.I saw a man walking towards me but i couldn't really see his face as he was wearing a mask and a sunglasses. I continued eating my ice-cream. I really love this wasabi ice-cream.It was my favourite.Without noticing, the man walked nearer and nearer towards me to touched my face. He said :"Your face is dirty." I angrily pushed his hands away, shouted :"PERVERT!!" and ran away. I saw that there was an exit so i quickly ran as fast as i could towards the exit.But that exit door doesn't seem to get nearer. That PERVERT ran after me too. I shouted :"PERVERT!!!!!!!!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!"

Suddenly someone slapped me on my face."Hey hey, Yunnie wake up or else you'll be late for school." I hit that person back :"PERVERT!!AHH..." "Yunnie, Yunnie It's mom here." I slowly opened my eyes..ans said :"Mom???huh??..Ohh mom..I dreamt of a pervert who kept following me." Mom saw that i have sweat all over my face and asked me to go and get ready."Okay, mom."
I quickly got up and went into the bathroom. When i was brushing my teeth that pervert in my dream came into my mind again. "Ohhh..."I suddenly thought of the mysterious-rude man again. "Ehhhh...they look alike..?!?! Are they the same person?? Ohhh..." I changed into my school uniform and rushed to school by taking the tram.

When i reached school everyone was staring at me. I didn't bother so i quickly went to class. My classmates started laughing when they saw me. Taehyeon rushed towards me and whispered into my ear."You are in your pyjamas pants, where is your skirt??" I looked down immediately, "Arh?? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" I ran as fast as i could to the toilet. "Hu...hu..what must i do?!?!?" Taehyeon quickly went to borrowed a skirt from the school and gave it to me. It was like super-big but i still have to wear it. it was better than none. "HAixx..How can i be sooo blur.?? my mom also didnt notice what i was wearing..Taehyeon..im soooo embarrassed!!" "Yunnie, you're too blur .This is the first time i see people wear pyjamas to school in my life" Taehyeon giggled. I hit her hand and said :"I'm soooo embarrassed now!! You, my best friend still laughing at me like the others.:(" "Yunnie, don't be sad.Sorry.I don't mean it but...hahahh.." "YOU!!!! GEUM TAE HYEON!!!!><" we went back to class quickly. Soongmin was still laughing. I asked him what is so funny. He just point at me and laugh. "HEY! both of you as my best friends still want to tease me abotu what happen just now!" Soongmin quickly controlled his laughter and said :"Yarr..It's not funny at all." He quickly continue doing his homework. Then he ask me why an i late today..I told him about the weird dream and he started laughing again. I didn't bother about that stupid Soongmin and did my own work. While i was doing i was thinking about that person in my dream.Are they the same person.I saw the sad face button-badge pinned on my bag and remembered that the mysterious-rude man had dropped this button-badge.I want to return to him but i dont know where to look for him. Geum Tae Hyeon, Park Soong Min and Seo Yunnie became best friends! They share everything under the sun...

Taehyeon, Soongmin, Yunnie

Once they promised each other that.....................................

every Valentine's day they three will spend it together until they found their partners.
Soongmin : "PROMISE!!!hahahh...:)"
Taehyeon : "Hee..of course, promise!:D"
Yunnie : "HAHAHAHAHAHHH...^^"
Soongmin & Taehyeon :"Whats your answer then?!?!"
Soongmin & Taehyeon :"Stop hahahahahh-ing! Tell us!!><"
Yunnie : "heehee...SURE!!PROMISE!! okay..i'll treat you all wasabi ice-cream, my favourite!!" Soongmin : ''NOOOOOOO!!!!! i dont like wasabi.." Taehyeon : "Okay..tat's what you said..!!" Yunnie : "I'm a gentlewomen. Hee~Let's GOOOOO!!!" But in the end we ate this.... Three of us share this cute ice-cream with all the flavours available
Hahahah..cool right??It was Soongmin's crazy idea!!

1st of Feb 22:56
2 more weeks and it is valentine's day!!huhu!! I'm really waiting for that day to come. Taehyeon always says that your love one will come to meet you on valentine's day.I'm so excited!! And the three of us- Soongmin, Taehyeon and me have already made a promise to go out together. We'll sure have fun because we're going to the amusement park! Hope that day will arrived quickly. aAHaa..Our school's traditional every year during valentine's day is that everyone can give little gifts to the person he/she likes. It's fun! The person who gives the little pressie will not write his/her name. At the end of the day the names who gave the presents will then be announce by the class teacher. HUHU~ heehee..I'm tired and i wana sleep, byebye diary^^.

-End of chapter 6-


Blogger Phyllistan. said...

psps.. removed.. x)

February 17, 2009 at 5:16 PM  
Blogger Jaeyin★ said...


February 17, 2009 at 9:44 PM  
Blogger zetong said...

ur story is so cute,
so are the pics u posted!
yunnie is so cute

February 17, 2009 at 9:47 PM  
Blogger Jaeyin★ said...


February 19, 2009 at 7:59 PM  
Blogger wantheng said...

i love the story (:

February 19, 2009 at 11:35 PM  
Blogger Jaeyin★ said...


February 19, 2009 at 11:51 PM  

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