He is the PERFECT man for me(:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chapter 4 - The real YOU

Park Soong min is super irritating!!
He keeps playing and do some nonsensical stuff!!

Don't bother about him..hahah..
He's like that.He's a funny boy.hahahh..

Really feel like changing seats.
ahh...its so boring sitting with him.
dont tell him i told you these..hehe..
if not he will kill me...-.-

The teacher walks out of the class...

Soongmin : Hey, Yunnie are you free this weekend?
Yunnie : Erm..i think not!why?
Soongmin : feel like going out to play.It's so boring these days..
Yunnie : You'll will not feel nice going out with me.
Soongmin : why???
Yunnie : .....................nothing.
Soongmin : ......ohh..then i will ask Taehyeon."Taehyeon!! are you free this weekend??"
Taehyeon : Yepp.^^why??.......
Soongmin : Let's go out to play.
Taehyeon : Sure!!Did you ask Yunnie??
Soongmin : Yea,she said she doesn't want to go.
Taehyeon : I'll help you ask her out okay??hahahh:)
Soongmin : Taehyeon,thankss!

Yunnie : Ohhhh.....What's this???? Who is this in the photo??
Yunnie picked up the photo from the floor under Soong min's chair.

Yunnie : He's soooooooo cute!!!Kiyouta-neh!!
Suddenly, someone snatch the photo from me.When i looked up.I saw Soongmin with his angry face.He took the picture and ran out of the classroom.This is the first time i saw that Soong min was so angry. I quickly followed him and ran out of the class. I saw Soong min at the school's balcony. i let him calm down first so i stand a few metres behind him. I saw his face, it looks so sad and lonely.Then after that i walked towards him. "Soong min...biyaneh..*sorry in korean*
He looked at me and then looked into the sky sadly. i said again"biyaneh..." He closed his eyes and tears flowed out of his eyes. I quickly took out my flowery handkerchief and gave it to him. Soong min took out the photo that i saw just now."He is my brother.I wished i had loved him more..more!!!!!MORE!! I really miss him.." "You mean.......He's....in...............heaven now??" Soong min looked at me..I looked back at him into his watery eyes.This is the first time i look straight into his eyes.He nodded."Yes..He died while we went swimming together.He saved me but he himself was drowned." There was a complete silent.I always thought that Soong min had no worries and is a very irritating boy. But now i know i was WRONG!! (Sorry..sorry...Soong min..maybe i really have hurt you.) Soong min suddenly turned towards me and gave me a hug - a very tight one, a very very tight one,until i was barely able to breathe.He said to me :"Kamsahamneeda.."I was surprised that i didn't pushed him away. He looked at me and smiled.He wiped his tears and held both of my hands and pushed my flowery handkerchief into my hands.After that he walked away..

I was dumb-founded and i found out about the real Soong min.
I was really so stupid to be so bad towards him.I really feel so bad right now.
I quickly followed Soong min backed to class.

When we reached our class, our teacher is already in the class.He asked us to go and see the principle for skipping class. We went to the principle's office and we got punishment to wash the whole school hall, basketball room and store room.

So both of us stayed back to washed the school hall, basketball room and the store room. Taehyeon helped us packed our things and brought it to us.She also stayed back to helped us. We started clearing up and taking the mops and brooms.We started our cleaning, brushing, washing, clearing job.It took us the whole afternoon to finish clearing all the places. We finished at around 6pm. All of us were dead beat. While we were packing to go home, i shouted into the blue blue sky "Sorry!! Soongmin!! for all the things i've said or done that hurt you! " Soongmin shouted back" Its okay!!We're are BEST FRIENDS!!" When i heard this my tears flowed out like a river. I took out a post-it and wrote on it.Thanks!Park Soong Min!!.then i pasted it on Soongmin's t-shirt sleeve.He read it and smiled at me, i smiled back too..Suddenly, Taehyeon popped out and shouted :"Let's go home!!"
The three of us became best friends.:)))))))))))

P/s, I finally understand my friend, Soongmin^^.
Soongmin, heng-oonulpeemneeda!!!!(all the best in korean) :))

-End of Chapter 4-


Blogger Jaeyin★ said...


February 12, 2009 at 6:31 PM  
Blogger G said...

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February 12, 2009 at 9:44 PM  

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